Official recognition of the Hoshinkido System
trophee_temple_renommee_florideInternational Grandmaster of the Year 2001, Orlando 2001 USA


Examination committee member (Korea Kido Association)
The Official Flag of Hoshinkido Hapkido Recognition presented by Grandmaster in Sun Seo to Grandmaster Serge Baubil


2003 Award for the continued excellence in the Martial Arts to Grand Master Serge Baubil by the W.H.F.S.C. Hall of Fame, Orlando, FL, USA.
trophee_temple_renommee_florideMay 7th 2004 – Grandmaster Serge Baubil was promoted to the 9th Dan Blackbelt in Hapkido by the International Budo Association (Japan).


September 4, 2004 – At the World Head of Family Sokeship Concil Hall of Fame, Grandmaster Serge Baubil was awarded by the Diploma of Soke (Chong Jaenim) 9th Dan Founder of Hoshinkido Hapkido. This Certificate was signed by more than 15 Grandmasters and Founders who were present at this event.
trophee_temple_renommee_florideDecember 4th 2004 – GrandMaster is Promoted to the 9th Dan Black Belt in Hapkido by Supreme Grandmaster In Sun Seo, 10th Dan, President of the World Kido Federation / Hamminjok Hapkido Assocation.


Recognition of the International Hoshinkido Federation and his Founder Grandmaster Serge Baubil by Grandmaster Hee Kwan Lee, the Chairman of the International Hapkido Federation / USA as well as President of the Korea Moo Moo Kwan Hapkido Federation / USA
trophee_temple_renommee_florideRecognition of the International Hoshinkido Federation and his Founder Grandmaster Serge Baubil by Grandmaster Hee Kwan Lee, the Chairman of the International Hapkido Federation / USA as well as President of the Korea Moo Moo Kwan Hapkido Federation / USA


The Hoshinkido Hapkido Founder Grandmaster Serge Baubil 9th dan (since 2004), Regional Director of the World Kido/hanminjok hapkido Association in Canada , received the higher Rank recognition of the Korea Moo moo kwan hapkido Association (an official hapkido Organization founded in 1963, and recognized by the Korean Government).
trophee_temple_renommee_florideGrand Master Serge Baubil President/Founder of the International Hoshinkido Federation,was recently appointed as Grand Master of The Korea Moo moo kwan Hapkido Association. This old and Famous hapkido Association founded in 1963 by Grand Master Yong Man, Kim is recognized by the Korean Government.


At the World Martial Arts Championship, August 2012 in Michigan,USA. Senior Grand Master Serge Baubil received a proclamation letter awarding him as a Springfield Michigan Honorary Citizen. He received this award from the mayor’s hand herself.


May 2015, GM Baubil in inducted to the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame.