baubil1 Grand Master Serge Baubil began his study of martial arts in 1959 and is today a 69 years old Canadian citizen with more than 60 years of martial arts experience. Master Serge Baubil’s international experience began in Africa where he instructed military and police forces in many Africa countries as well as official advisor and trainer for the Martial Arts Federation in these countries.

From Africa, Master Serge Baubil went to Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he was named International Technical Advisor to the “World Union of Qwankido” for south America. While there, he introduced Qwankido (Quan Khi Dao) Vietnamese Kempo Kung Fu to south America as well as helped to establish the Korean martial Arts of Taekwondo and Hapkido in Brazil.

Before long, many South American martial arts publications and magazines were featuring Master Serge Baubil’s activities as well as those of the many outstanding pupils who had benefited from his teachings.

By 1986, Master Serge Baubil was supervising 27 martial arts schools in Brazil. It was at this point that he decided to make another international move, in North America, more precisely, Montreal, Canada.

By the time Master Serge Baubil had arrived in Montreal, he had accumulated an impressive array of credentials:

  • BLACK BELT  9th DAN in HAPKIDO (GrandMaster Serge Baubil is Promoted to the 9th Dan Black Belt in Hapkido by Supreme GrandMaster IN SUN SEO, 10th Dan, President of the World Kido Federation / Hamminjok Hapkido Association);
  • BLACK BELT  10th Degree in HOSHINKIDO founder in his Hoshinkido system, recognized like Soke by the world hall of fame of martial arts W.H.F.S.C (elected like Grandmaster historical figure at the 2008 martial arts hall of fame at San Antonio Texas;
  • BLACK BELT 9th Dan by the Korea MOO MOO KWAN Hapkido association. An old Korean association established since 1963. Founded by Grand Master Yong man, Kim.

Headmaster Serge Baubil has had the good fortune of studying with many world-renowned martial arts experts and Grand Masters in various disciplines.

In Karate and Judo, Master Serge Baubil studied with Japanese Masters :

  • Taiji KASE;
  • Shima BUKURO

In Korean styles with:

  • Yong man KIM (Moo moo kwan Hapkido founder)
  • Kwan Young Lee (who introduced Taekwondo in France)
  • Seo Hong Bang (Former Korean champion of Taekwondo).
  • Kwansoo Chung (Taekwondo and Hoshinsul).
  • Jun Il Hung (Taekwondo and Hoshinsul).
  • Chun Won Park (Taekwondo).
  • Yong Man Kim (Moo Moo Kwan Hapkido).
  • Pham Xuan Tong (Founder of Qwankido-Vietnamese Kung fu Kempo).
  • Sang Min Cho (who introduced Taekwondo and Hoshinsul in Brazil).
  • Yun Sik Kim (founder of the Bum Moo Kwan Hapkido).
  • In Sun Seo (10th DAN President of the World Kido Federation/Hanminjok Hapkido Association, co-founder of the Kuksool Won martial art).

* Please note that the International Hoshinkido Federation headquarters is also a Training Center.